
Sourcing vs. Posting: The Recruitment Debate

May 14, 2024

In the realm of talent acquisition, a staggering 62% of talent teams report finding more high-quality candidates through proactive sourcing than through inbound applications. Despite this compelling statistic, a significant number of businesses still predominantly rely on the traditional method of posting job ads and waiting for candidates to apply. This dichotomy raises a critical question: why do many organizations stick to an apparently less effective strategy?

The Reliance on Job Ads: A Traditional Approach

  • Comfort in Familiarity: Job ads have been the cornerstone of recruitment for decades. Many businesses stick to this familiar approach because it's a well-trodden path, requiring minimal deviation from established processes.
  • Perceived Ease and Low Cost: Posting a job ad is often seen as a straightforward, low-cost approach. Companies post an ad on a job board or their website, hoping it will attract a large pool of applicants.
  • Passive Strategy: Smaller businesses or those with limited resources may lack a dedicated recruitment team. In such cases, posting a job ad is a passive strategy that doesn’t require the same level of resources as active sourcing.

The Effectiveness of Sourcing: A Proactive Stance

  • Targeted Approach: Sourcing is inherently proactive and targeted. Talent teams actively seek out candidates who have the specific skills and experience required for the role, often leading to a higher quality of hire. (If you need help building those searches quickly check this out).
  • Access to Passive Candidates: An estimated 70% of the global workforce consists of passive candidates. Sourcing allows recruiters to tap into this vast pool of potential talent that wouldn’t normally apply through job ads.
  • Building Relationships: Sourcing often involves building relationships with potential candidates over time, creating a pipeline of talent for current and future roles.

Why Are Job Ads Still Used

  1. Volume vs. Quality: Job ads can generate a large volume of candidates, offering a wider choice. While this may lead to a lower overall quality, it provides a sense of security in numbers.
  2. Structural and Organizational Constraints: Larger organizations might have established recruitment processes that are difficult to change. Shifting from a job ad-centric approach to a sourcing model requires significant changes in strategy, resources, and even company culture.
  3. Market Dynamics: In certain industries, especially those with a surplus of talent, job ads can be an effective way to attract a large number of applicants without the need for proactive sourcing.

The Ideal Approach: A Balanced Strategy

  1. Combining Strengths: The most effective recruitment strategy may be a hybrid approach, combining the broad reach of job ads with the targeted approach of sourcing. This allows companies to cast a wide net while also proactively seeking out high-quality candidates.
  2. Adaptability and Flexibility: Businesses need to be adaptable, using job ads for some roles and sourcing for others, depending on the nature of the job market and the specific role in question.
  3. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies is vital. Businesses should be willing to adjust their approach based on what the data shows about the quality of candidates and hiring success rates.


While 62% of talent teams may find more high-quality candidates through sourcing, the persistence of job ads as a primary recruitment tool is not without reason. It reflects a complex interplay of familiarity, perceived ease, resource constraints, and organizational culture. The key to successful recruitment lies in recognizing the strengths and limitations of both sourcing and job ads, and developing a flexible, adaptable approach that leverages the best of both worlds. This balanced strategy could lead to a more effective and efficient hiring process, ensuring access to the best talent available in the market.

In a rapidly changing job landscape, it’s crucial for businesses to stay agile and open to evolving their recruitment strategies. By embracing both sourcing and job ads, companies can navigate the complexities of talent acquisition, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the challenges of finding and securing top talent in a competitive global marketplace.

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